Commission a Watercolor
Commission a Watercolor
Select between homes, weddings, business establishments and pets. I do not paint people at this time.
To place an order:
- Select a subject and size.
- Email three high resolution photos to
Visit past orders on instagram @estellahannah and let me know if you’d like yours featured!
Items ship USPS Priority Mail arriving in 1-4 business days after the order processing time completes. Order processing is approximately 4-12 weeks.
If you have preferences of what to be included they will be considered but ultimately are at the discretion of the artist and will be painted based off of what is seen in the photo. By purchasing you consent to the outcome at the discretion of the artist in terms of photo chosen, angle selected, season of florals / greenery, inclusion of specific details like fence, omission of items like trash bin, mail box, swing, specific trees etc, and the overall tones/colors interpreted in the photos.
Please review Terms of Service, License & Use Policy, Refund Policy, and Shipping Policy within the About section for further detail.
All duplicates and/or redistribution for personal or commercial use of EstellaHannah’s art require written approval by Hannah and are subject to license and redistribution fees.
Please reference the license policy located in the 'About' section for a description of the limitations and requirements before placing an order. For commercial use, where you plan on selling items that incorporate the art, please contact Hannah for a use and distribution agreement.